Mindset Coaching

What is it?

Coaching takes a unique approach to helping you achieve your wishes, dreams and goals. A coach, who is essentially a facilitator, believes that you have all the answers within you. They work with you to help you gain insight into your situation and to access the answers you are looking for.  Through coaching, you can learn how to better manage stress and anxiety and live your life with more happiness, peace and calm.

What does a session entail?

Each week you will complete a short exercise on your needs and wants. We use this information to get to the heart of your problem. Using tag words, we investigate at the subconscious level which gives you insight into your own situation. At the end of each session you will receive meditations, visualisations or affirmations to help integrate your insights into your daily life, leading to personal transformation.

How long does a session last? How many sessions?

Sessions are generally 30 minutes long. A series of 6 sessions is often required to resolve a particular issue. Each individual is different so the number of sessions needed will vary from person to person.

Who can it help?

Coaching can help you to:

  • Live life with more happiness, joy and contentment

  • Learn how to manage unhelpful negative mental/emotional states

  • Learn how to trust yourself, speak and act with confidence

  • Rediscover yourself and create a new direction for your life

  • Learn how to avoid and recover from burn out

  • Gain clarity and learn how to make better decisions

  • Listen to intuition, trust your gut instincts and create boundaries

  • Learn how to relax, recharge and reset

dr lee-anne armitage, acupuncturist and coach

I’ve been finding ways to deal with stress and anxiety for most of my adult life.

As a young woman, I recognised the impact that stress and anxiety was having on my wellbeing and began looking for ways to de-stress. At 22 years of age, I found a meditation practice that put me on a path of personal transformation. I’ve engaged with meditation practices, mindfulness practice, the meditative arts, yoga, tai qi, qi gong, received psychotherapy, coaching, and done countless personal development programs.

 As an acupuncturist, I’ve been providing diet and lifestyle education to my patients for over ten year. This experience provided a very solid basis and vehicle into the realm of coaching. In 2022, I completed the Level 1 and Level 2 Velocity coaching programs.

 I look forward to working with you.
