Ann Shoebridge


Ann completed a physiotherapy degree in 1980 and an Alexander Technique teacher training certificate in 1989. From an initial interest in neurology and pain management, Ann has developed particular expertise in wellbeing and performance for musicians and actors, and is pursuing a doctorate in musicians’ health. Alexander Technique (AT) is an educational approach that yields therapeutic outcomes across a range of issues, including pain, breathing problems, stammering, and postural problems. Alexander lessons teach you how to redistribute effort so you can coordinate yourself optimally in any activity. They help reduce undue tension, rigidity or compression that interfere with proper function and over time can contribute to pain and injury. For performers, the mind-body or ‘psychophysical’ coordination accessed through Alexander Technique provides a means to enhance authentic and focused performance, and to avoid problems caused by excessive tension, poor posture or entrenched habits.



Mon 8:30 am – 1:00 pm
Wed pm as required

Provider Number

Medicare: 0717363W



  • B.App.Sc. (Physiotherapy), Lincoln Institute, 1980

  • Alexander Technique teaching certificate, MATTS, 1999