Robyn was inspired to study the Hauschka Method of Artistic Therapy after living with Intellectually Disabled on a home/farm, modeled on the rich social environments of Camphill Communities worldwide. During her training incl. practice in various Institutions across the UK, Robyn was privileged to be taught by some of the last generation to have studied under Rudolf Steiner. Robyn began work at the Melbourne Therapy Centre in 1987 and was amongst the first pioneers to participate in early International Art Therapy Conferences and interest groups, precursors to the peak professional body for Arts Therapists, ANZACATA. Robyn further studied with leaders in the field of Arts Psychotherapy and therapies for children, and has expanded her practice to include the latest developments in trauma research and treatment, and completed Somatic Experiencing Training in 2018. Robyn's experience spans 30 yrs working with adults, children and their parents in Medical Art Therapy and trauma healing.
Monday to Saturday by appointment
“The Arts can take us to a healing place and healing means coming into loving connection with ourselves, with others and with the world.”
Dip. Hauschka Artistic Therapy, Fox Elms Artistic Therapy College and Therapeutic Centre, 1986.
Cert. in Initiatic Art Therapy Training Program for Professionals, Claerwen Retreat, 1999.
Cert. Work at the Clay Field Therapy, Claerwen Retreat, 2011.
Cert. Storytelling as a Healing Art. School of Therapeutic Storytelling, 2006
Cert. Training course for Relationships, Marriage and Family Educators, Family Relationships Institute, 2008.
Somatic Experiencing (SE) Professional Training, Somatic Experiencing ® Trauma Institute, 2018.