Teresa Harkin is an experienced Registered Nurse, her career includes Medical, Palliative Care and Oncology (chemotherapy and radiotherapy) Nursing.
She gained her skills as an Anthroposophic Nurse at Taruna College, New Zealand and thus she found her passion. She has worked at the Melbourne Therapy Centre for over 10 years.
She uses the medium of Warmth and Rhythm during the Anthroposophic Nurse treatments. Starting with a relaxing footbath and then enveloping her patients in a nurturing blanket of warmth, they receive their ascribed treatment.
Her Anthroposophic Nurse treatments support and restore the health and vitality of her patients which may become depleted from illness or from our often hectic lifestyles. Her treatments are gentle and safe for all ages, from the baby to the elderly.
Treatments offered include: Rhythmic Body Oiling, Compresses, Mother and Baby massage, Hydrotherapy and Embrocations…..
Thur 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Fri 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday as required.
“Support for your physical body.
Rest for your busy mind.
Soothing to your soul.
Holistic Nursing, holding and nurturing your whole being through the medium of warmth and rhythm. ”
Registered Nurse Division One
Anthroposophic Nurse
Transference Healer