Anthroposophic Nursing Therapies

What is it?

Anthroposophic Nursing extends beyond conventional nursing and includes Compresses and Rhythmic Body Oiling - a gentle and nurturing treatment where the patient is ‘held’ in a cocoon of warmth and rhythm.  An oil is carefully chosen for the individual's needs then applied using a light touch followed by circular loosening movements. 

This therapy is suitable for all ages and stages of life including children, adults and the elderly.

Who can it help?

Some of the reasons our patients visit include:

  • for support during challenging times of physical and mental stress. 

  • for external applications known as “Compresses” which are applied to the:

    • Liver: acute and chronic support, stimulates a person’s well-being and promotes vitality. Useful during periods of stress, fatigue, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, chronic fatigue, digestive concerns, depression

    • Kidney: supports kidney function, eases oesteo-arthritis, psoriasis, cramping, fear, anxiety, emotional support, asthma, bronchitis 

    • Chest: for chest congestion, pneumonia, bronchitis, chest infections 

    • Abdomen: for colic, inflammation, abdominal cramping, endometriosis, digestive support, constipation, flatulence, restlessness, soothes fear and tension, promotes sleep 
