Counselling (General and Anthroposophic Biographical Counselling)

What is it?

General Counselling involves helping people make needed changes in their way of thinking, feeling and behaving. It’s a goal-based, collaborative process involving a non-judgmental, supportive counsellor who works with the client to tell his or her story then helps them set viable goals and develop the strategies necessary to accomplish these goals.

Anthroposophic Biographical Counselling aims to help people better comprehend their biographical journey in order to bring sense and meaning into their lives.

Biography Work is based on the understanding that our lives unfold in specific rhythms and developmental stages. As a result, we may learn how crises and turning points in life provide keys for change and growth. By discovering how events in our past, influence events in our future, our life stories become more transparent and meaningful. Such an exploration of life puts us in touch with our individuality that drives our actions, decisions and values.

Biography Work was developed out of the anthroposophical vision of man and the biographical laws of human development as researched by Rudolf Steiner PhD (1861-1925). 

Anthroposophic Biographical Counselling …

  • inspires a search for renewed meaning, creativity, and connection, following the ‘red thread’ of a question or theme in our life.

  • offers a new perspective on our life challenges.

  • explores illness and events as decision points in our lives.

  • empowers us to take charge of our lives.

Who can it help?

Anthroposophic Biographical Counselling can help people who:

  • face personal questions or repeated life challenges

  • suffer excessive stress and burnout

  • stand at a turning point in life such as a severe illness

  • desire a new direction in life

  • are searching for greater meaning

  • are grieving the loss of a loved one

  • need help managing their anger, anxiety, or depression
