Guenter grew up in Germany and migrated to Australia in 1990. In Germany, he studied Communications Engineering and has been working in IT for over 30 years. Guenter met Anthroposophy in 1982 as a student on his search to understand the human being. Since 1990, he has been actively involved in the Anthroposophical Society in Australia. In 1993, he joined the management committee of the Melbourne Therapy Centre as their treasurer. In 2000, Guenter, met Biography Work in Germany going through a “midlife crisis” himself and decided to bring this impulse to Australia. Together with Karl-Heinz Finke, an experienced trainer in Biography Work, he organised the first Biography Counselling Training here in Australia in 2005. Guenter’s main interest lies in spiritual development, Biography Work, and the working on building healthy social groups. He believes that in order to make sense of the present, you must understand the past, so that you can make decisions for the future.
Saturday by appointment
Provider Number
Medibank Private & AHM
“There are two most important days in a person’s life - the day we are born, and the day we discover why.”
Certificate in Biographical Consultancy and Counselling Skills Training Based on Anthroposophy, LifePathways, 2008
Diploma of Professional Counselling (Dip Prof Couns) with an Advanced Study Major in Career and Relationship Counselling & Conflict Resolution, Australian Institute of Professional Counselling, 2008
Certificate in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Australia, 2009
Primary Certificate in Rationale-Emotive Theory & Techniques (REBT), Australian Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy Inc. 2009
Certificate of Professional Supervision, Optimise Potential, 2016