Acupuncture is an ancient science that taps into the body’s own natural healing abilities, promoting recovery, relaxation, rejuvenation, balance and wellbeing.
Anthroposophic Nursing extends beyond conventional nursing and includes Rhythmic Body Oiling - a gentle and nurturing treatment where the patient is ‘held’ in a cocoon of warmth and rhythm.
Our lactation consultants are experts in the management of breastfeeding and human lactation. They are trained to empower and teach mothers how to feed their babies.
The Maternal and Child Health Services at The Melbourne Therapy Centre provide a nurturing and holistic environment, supporting the young child's health and development from birth until 3.5 years.
Psychological Therapy is a method of working in depth with people who are grappling with a range of personal and well-being issues - including diagnosed mental health conditions.
Integrative Medicine is a philosophy of healthcare with a focus on individual patient care. It combines the best of conventional western medicine with evidence-based complementary medicine and therapies.
Biographic Counselling is a component in the practice of Anthroposophic medicine and helps people to find understanding and meaning in their illnesses while working with physical, artistic and creative therapies.